Keep your vehicle safe and have it checked free of charge at Cam Autos. Safety-related problems can develop without warning so if you have just bought your new car or you have heard a noise from the suspension or the brakes etc just book an appointment at Cam Autos to have one of our technicians check your vehicle over free of charge, we will advise you of any faults that have been found during our inspection and we will also advise you of the full cost to repair these faults. Our technicians will check various components such as lights, brakes, steering, suspension, tyres, and more, etc, click below to see all the health safety-related components that we check.

Vehicle Safety Checks
12 Point Winter Check

Is your car ready for winter? Prepare your car for winter with our 12-point winter check and report. We will check, Air Conditioning, Lights, Wipers, Alternator, Drive Belts, Alternator Charging System, Battery, Cooling System, Antifreeze, Oil Level, Starter Motor, Seat Belts, Windscreen Washers, Tyres.

Vehicle Safety Checks
Brake Visual Inspection

If you would like Cam Autos to conduct a Visual Inspections on your brakes then arrange an appointment to have our technician identify any issues with your brake pads, brake discs, brake calipers, brake hoses, brakes shoes (where visible), brake fluid and handbrake cables. If your vehicle does require any work to your braking system Cam Autos will provide you with a no-obligation estimate for parts and labour. Cam Autos can offer you our Einbach range of brake pads and discs. All brake parts are competitively priced and have 12-month 12,000-mile parts and labour warranty. New brake pads supply and fit.

Vehicle Safety Checks
Free Battery & Alternator Check

Battery and Alternator failures can happen without warning. If you feel that your battery or alternator is not in good working order book in for a free battery and alternator, check and our technicians will check your battery’s health condition, and the charging capabilities from the alternator. If we find you need a replacement, we will advise you of the cost of a new car battery or alternator. Here at Cam Autos, we can supply and fit a new Battery.

Vehicle Safety Checks
Free Timing Belt Check

The engine Timing Belt or Cam Belt is one of the most important serviceable items on any vehicle’s engine. The belt is part of the engine the synchronizes the rotation of the crankshaft and camshaft so that the engine valves open and close correctly. If the belt fails, the piston can strike the valves and can cause catastrophic engine damage. So, if you are at all unsure whether it’s time for a replacement, book an appointment with our technicians today. It’s completely free to visually check the belt (where accessible) and intervals, it all depends on the age and mileage of your vehicle, we can quickly access whether you need a replacement belt fitted. If we feel there is a problem, we can provide a quotation for the replacement. Here at Cam Autos, we can supply and fit a new Cam Belt

Vehicle Safety Checks
Free Clutch Check

The clutch is the component connected to the engine so you can disconnect the drive from the engine to the gearbox to allow you to change gear smoothly. If you are experiencing difficulty changing gear or the engine is revving up and the vehicle is not moving very fast, or you hear unusual noises there may be something wrong. You can book a free, no-obligation clutch inspection at Cam Autos.